

HTML Parser by biase

In Category General IRC Posted by Snippets On 12/04/23
Tags: html parser biase 

HTML Parser -
you can scrap webs using this alias ..
Requirement: Internet Explorer 9 and above

Opening/parsing data into the NAME
for URL : noop $html(NAME,
for FILE : noop $html(NAME,html_content_source.html)
for TEXT: noop $html(NAME,'Scripts & Popups - mIRC Discussion Forums')

Note: parsing html string must enclose it using ' or "

Closing the NAME: noop

Returns the value of the properties
Properties: innerHTML, innerText, src, href, content, charset etc..
and many more attribute from html tag.

usage example:
$html(Name,title) - return the title of the NAME
$html(Name,script,N) - return length
Example: $html(Name,a,3).href - return the link name in third a in the NAME

-- Simple Example
noop $html(mirc,
echo -s $html(mirc,title) ; return Scripts & Popups - mIRC Discussion Forums
echo -s $html(mirc,a,0) ; return total a tags
echo -s $html(mirc,a,2) ; return Home
echo -s $html(mirc,a,2).href ; return
noop $html(mirc).close

Note : since i use querySelectorAll, you also can select using className or li.classname > a
same like jQuery.
Name   : HTML Parser
Created: 1589357273
Author : Lite @ SkyChatz, KampungChat & mIRCScripts

--- H E L P ---
Opening/parsing data into the NAME
for URL : noop $html(NAME,
for FILE: noop $html(NAME,html_content_source.html)
for TEXT: noop $html(NAME,'<title>Scripts &amp; Popups - mIRC Discussion Forums</title>')
- Note: parsing html string must enclose it using ' or "

Closing the NAME: noop 

$html(<NAME>,<HTML TAG>,N)
Returns the value of the properties
Properties: innerHTML, innerText, src, href, content, charset etc..
and many more attribute from html tag.

usage example:
$html(Name,title) - return the title of the NAME
$html(Name,script,N) - return length
Example: $html(Name,a,3).href - return the link name in third a in the NAME

-- Simple Example
noop $html(mirc,
echo -s $html(mirc,title)  ; return Scripts & Popups - mIRC Discussion Forums
echo -s $html(mirc,a,0)   ; return total a tags
echo -s $html(mirc,a,2)  ; return Home
echo -s $html(mirc,a,2).href ; return
noop $html(mirc).close

alias html {
  var %js jshf, %result $!null($com(jshf,eval,3,bstr,%script)) $!com(jshf).result, %script typeof( $+ $$1 $+ )
  if (!$com(jshf)) { .comopen jshf msscriptcontrol.scriptcontrol | noop $com(jshf,language,5,bstr,jscript) }
  if (!$2) {
    if ($prop == close) return $null($com(jshf,eval,3,bstr,$$1 = undefined))
    echo $color(info) -s * $!html() need atleast 2 argument. 

  var %jscript $&
    var $1 = new ActiveXObject("htmlfile"), xh = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0"), fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); $&
    $1 $+ .write('<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=9" />'); $&
    function loadurl(url){'GET',url,false);xh.send(); $+ $1 $+ .write(xh.responseText); $+ $1 $+ .close();} $crlf $&
    function loadhtml(string){ $+ $1 $+ .write(string); $+ $1 $+ .close();} $crlf $&
    function fileread(file){var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");return (fso.FileExists(file) ? fso.OpenTextFile(file,1).ReadAll():'');}; $crlf $&

  if ($(,%result) == undefined) noop $com(%js,addcode,1,bstr,%jscript)
  if ($regex($2,/((?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/[a-z0-9-_.?&=%\\/]+)/i)) %script = loadurl( $+ $qt($regml(1)) $+ )
  elseif ($regex($2,/(<.+?>)/)) %script = loadhtml( $+ $2 $+ )
  elseif ($isfile($2)) %script = loadhtml(fileread( $+ $qt($2) $+ ))
  else {
    var %ifprop $iif($istok(href src,$prop,32),.getAttribute(" $+ $prop $+ "),. $+ $prop), $&
      %prop $iif($prop,%ifprop,$iif(meta* iswm $2,.content,.innerText)), $&
      %script $1 $+ .querySelectorAll(' $+ $2 $+ ') $+ $iif($3 === 0,.length,[ $+ $iif($3 > 0,$calc($3 -1),0) $+ $(]) $+ %prop $+ )
  return $(,%result)

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