Idle Check by YmmaX
In Category General IRC Posted by Snippets On 12/04/23
This script is mass /whois-ing your channel (except @ops), and you can BAN idlers with a click. Also is showing in red colors the idle time if is more than 4 hours.
;### ;# Idle Check & BAN ;# yM]x @ UnderNet ;### RAW 311:*: { if (%idlecheckvalue == true) { if ($2 isop %idlecheckchan) { halt } if ($2 !isop %idlecheckchan) { echo %idlecheckchan - echo %idlecheckchan * $2 $+ ! $+ $3 $+ @ $+ $4- halt } } } RAW 319:*: { if (%idlecheckvalue == true) { halt } } RAW 312:*: { if (%idlecheckvalue == true) { halt } } RAW 313:*: { if (%idlecheckvalue == true) { if ($2 isop %idlecheckchan) { halt } if ($2 !isop %idlecheckchan) { echo %idlecheckchan * $2 is an IRC Operator halt } } } RAW 330:*: { if (%idlecheckvalue == true) { if ($2 isop %idlecheckchan) { halt } if ($2 !isop %idlecheckchan) { echo %idlecheckchan * $2 is logged in as $3 halt } } } ;If the allowed idle time is other than 4, change the value for this RAW. RAW 317:*: { if (%idlecheckvalue == true) { if ($3 >= $calc( 4 * 60 * 60 )) { /echo %idlecheckchan * $2 has been idle4 $duration( $+ $3 $+ ) $+ /echo %idlecheckchan * $2 has chan-idle: $duration($nick(%idlecheckchan,$2).idle) /echo %idlecheckchan - halt } } } alias /idlecheck { if ($active ischan) { .set %idlecheckvalue true .set %idlecheckchan $active .set %idlecheckn $nick($active,0) .set %idlechecki 1 :next if (%idlechecki > %idlecheckn) { goto done } if (%idlechecki <= %idlecheckn) { whois $nick($active,%idlechecki) $nick($active,%idlechecki) inc %idlechecki goto next } :done .timer 1 300 /.set %idlecheckvalue false .timer 1 300 /.unset %idlecheck* } } menu channel { - Idle Check:idlecheck - } menu nicklist { - BAN (Idle):{ if ($1 != $null) { /.msg x ban # $address($1,2) 1h 100 Do not park in this channel, please - your idle was: $$?="Idle Time" $+ . } } - }
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