Duplicate Gate Kicker (edited)
In Category Buzzen Posted by CharmedOne On 08/05/10
This is errors code origionally I added the add user shit list the popups for both errors code & the shit list as someone had requested on errors snippit post.
menu * { Duplicate Gate Kick ( $+ $iif($group(#duplicate) == on,Enabled,Disabled) $+ ) .$iif($group(#duplicate) == on,$style(2),$style(0)) ºONº:{ .enable #duplicate | echo $active 0,4Duplicate Gate Kick 0,12Enabled } .$iif($group(#duplicate) == off,$style(2),$style(0)) ºOffº:{ .disable #duplicate | echo $active 0,12Duplicate Gate Kick 0,4Disabled } .- Shitlist Kick ( $+ $iif($group(#shitlist) == on,Enabled,Disabled) $+ ) .$iif($group(#shitlist) == on,$style(2),$style(0)) ºONº:{ .enable #shitlist | echo $active 0,4Shitlist Kick 0,12Enabled } .$iif($group(#shitlist) == off,$style(2),$style(0)) ºOffº:{ .disable #shitlist | echo $active 0,12Shitlist Kick 0,4Disabled } } #duplicate off on !*:JOIN:#:{ if ($ialchan($address($nick,1),$chan,0) >= 3) && ($me isop $chan) { if (!%cban) { access $chan ADD DENY $address($nick,1) 60 : Too many clones | set %cban on } var %c 1 while ($ialchan($address($nick,1),$chan,%c)) { var %shitlist,$nick $?!="Put User On Shitlist??" if (False isin %shitlist,$nick) { halt } if (shitlist,$nick) .auser shitlist $+(*!*, $Ial($nick).addr) $nick .kick $chan $gettok($v1,1,33) Too Many Clones inc %c } unset %cban } } #duplicate end #shitlist off on shitlist:JOIN:#: { access # add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($nick).addr) 15 : ShitListed .kick $chan $nick } #shitlist end
Comments 4
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CharmedOne - Saturday, 7 August, 2010
Hmm OMG you broke it , cries, how did it break
Pablo - Saturday, 7 August, 2010
It worked once..then it quit. I guess I broke it. When is it supposed to popup the ? "Put User On Shitlist??"
CharmedOne - Thursday, 5 August, 2010
well it only halts on the banlist if you want it to, then it does the kick etiher way the halt wont stop it from kicking
Pablo - Thursday, 5 August, 2010
Sooo.. when a user joins this script can potentially popup a question window which halts the script?