
Snippet URL Shortener

In Category General IRC Posted by sugarboy On 12/18/10

My first time using sockets. Used to shorten urls using
Credit Swiftirc forums for the socket tutorial I followed.
alias shorten {
  if (sock(isgd)) {
    sockclose isgd
    sockopen isgd 80
    set %isgd $$1
  else {
    sockopen isgd 80
    set %isgd $$1
on *:sockopen:isgd:{
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /api.php?longurl= $+ %isgd HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host:
  sockwrite -nt $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:isgd:{
  sockread %temp
  if (* iswm %temp) {
    echo -a Shortened URL: %temp
menu Menubar {
  Shorten URL: /shorten $$?="URL to Shorten?"

Comments 3

Fanfare - Saturday, 8 January, 2011
[code]if (sock(isgd)) { sockclose isgd } sockopen isgd 80 set %isgd $$1 } }[/code]No else condition is needed. [code] var %temp sockread %temp[/code]So that you don't have the data set as a global var in your variable.
sugarboy - Sunday, 19 December, 2010
Thank you err0r. This was my very first try with sockets. I have searched for something like it in the pass, but never found anything. So I figured it would be something to try for my first attempt. Actually quite proud of myself. ^__^
err0r - Sunday, 19 December, 2010
nice snippet

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