Maztal.com ASL + Profile Link grabber
In Category IRCd Posted by Kustom On 11/29/11
Just a basic socket to the maztal site to grab asl information and message it to room along with profile link of webchat users.
on *:SOCKOPEN:profile:{ sockwrite -tn profile $+(GET /index.php?do=/mobile/ $+ %profile.user $+ /info/ HTTP/1.1,$crlf,Accept: */*,$crlf,Host: www.maztal.com,$crlf,Connection: close,$crlf,$crlf) } on *:SOCKREAD:profile:{ var %t | sockread %t | tokenize 32 %t | if ($sockerr > 0) return if (*male* iswm $gettok(%t,1,32)) { set %gender $remove($gettok(%t,1,32),</div>) } if (* $+ $chr(40) $+ * iswm $gettok(%t,2,32)) { set %age $gettok(%t,1,32) | set %loc $true } if (*info_right* iswm $gettok(%t,2,32)) && (%loc == $true) { set %loc2 $true } if (%loc2 == $true) && (*</div>* iswm $gettok(%t,1,32)) { set %lokation $remove(%t, </div>) msg %profile.room 2(?) %profile.nick is a %age year old %gender $+ , from $iif(*</div>* iswm %lokation,Undisclosed.,$remove(%lokation,</div>)) msg %profile.room (*) 2 Profile Link:12 http://maztal.com/index.php?do=/ $+ $ial( $+ %profile.nick $+ ).user $+ / sockclose $sockname unset %loc* } } on *:JOIN:*:{ set %profile.room $chan | set %profile.nick $nick | set %profile.user $ial($nick).user | sockopen profile www.maztal.com 80 }
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