Simple Room Broadcaster
In Category General ircWx Posted by Winz On 06/03/19
Put this snippet in your Channel Popup section of mIRC. Feel free to edit it however you want.
You must be a host or above to use the broadcast feature and it would be useful for announcing birthdays, anniversaries ect.
Enjoy! :D
You must be a host or above to use the broadcast feature and it would be useful for announcing birthdays, anniversaries ect.
Enjoy! :D
Channel Options .Broadcast to Channel: { var %c # | set %bcmsg $?"Please enter your broadcast message for the room." if (%bcmsg !== $null) { set %yn $?!"Send to channel? - %bcmsg " } if (%yn == $false) { halt } if (%yn == $true) { .raw NOTICE %c %c : %bcmsg } unset %bcmsg | unset %yn }
Comments 1
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err0r - Saturday, 30 November, 2019
thanks for submitting