Category: Sparkpea Scripts (ircwx)
On 11/21/20
Downloads 21
Votes 1
by paige
Last one for a while. Bizzy this end. Socketless, auto- joins several rooms after auth. As Arnie said..." I'll Be Back". lol
On 03/10/19
Downloads 18
Votes 1
by Paige
Alien Invasion script for spcn ircwx. Uses the brand new Roo's Jaeger conn, which makes for an incredibly fast script'. Hope you like it as much as i do. Has a lot of media stuff i...
On 07/31/19
Downloads 17
Votes 0
by Paige
Sometimes you make a script that turns out just the way you wanted it. To me this is one of them. Sometimes a script fights you all the way, this one didn't, so i'm pleased with it...
On 12/16/19
Downloads 17
Votes 0
by paige
Socketless script for sparkpea, Fast. Very easy to use, mostly all auto. Includes mp3 player, slide show, spiderman videos, media. Fully loaded, one carefull owner ( lol).........
On 04/25/20
Downloads 16
Votes 0
by paige
Easy to use , quick, socketless script for Sparkpea chat. ircwx. Customised , but simple.
On 11/03/19
Downloads 14
Votes 1
by Paige
Register a new spcn account, if your not going to use an existing one, ( top button on top toolbar).
Fill in the two edit popups with your details. Your details will be saved i...