Category: VibeSN
On 11/21/11
Downloads 691
Votes 0
by Neophyte
As usual, Please read the helpfile. Its the blue ? icon on the left sidebar.
This script uses MakiMaki Dominator 1.1 connection + some menu items. It is very good!.
Right click a...
On 11/17/11
Downloads 556
Votes 0
by Maki
VibeSN Connection.
Includes menus, autojoin, recent channels, and many other goodies.
This is the Standalone connection so you can either add it to your scripts, or use it by it...
On 10/18/11
Downloads 671
Votes 2
by Neophyte
Small script for vibeSN, lots of options. You can choose to join individual servers, or all servers at the same time.. If you havnt got an account yet , go to.
On 09/15/11
Downloads 503
Votes 1
by Johnson
One or two people have asked for a basic script to use in Vibesn not to hard to run that will protect there rooms and with a few extra's so iv just put together a basic script and ...
On 08/31/11
Downloads 603
Votes 1