
Category: Multi-Conn Scripts


On 01/06/20 Downloads 45 Votes 1 Rating
by paige
Predator...Theme From Roo's *Nexus* multi-server core. Just realised i mis-quoted it as Nebula and not Nexus.. sorry Roo (now corrected) Also while i was correcting it here, i took...
On 11/18/19 Downloads 20 Votes 0 Rating
by paige
"Transformer" themed multi-server script based on Roo's Nexus Conns. Services Spcn,Buzzen,Evolution and Essential chats. You can use all or a combination of any of those servers a...
On 09/07/19 Downloads 25 Votes 0 Rating
by Paige
Multi-Network Predator script, based on Roo`s Nebula Multi core connections. (5 networks provided for) , and all those chatrooms all available at the same time. When the script fir...
On 08/08/19 Downloads 58 Votes 1 Rating
by Roo
This is a socketless multi server idlebot / connection for someone to expand on. You can be on all servers at once or just one or two. Has a black theme or white theme dependin...
On 06/26/19 Downloads 65 Votes 0 Rating
by Paige
OK, here's "Quadrochatica" script for 4 chat servers, Sparkpea, Buzzen, Evolutionchat and Koach. It savers time and space cos its 4 chats in one mirc. You can only be on one chat ...
On 09/29/17 Downloads 155 Votes 0 Rating
by Paige
Very simple multi-server script. Services Buzzen,Sparkpea,Koach,UKchatters chats. On first start , simply click on the Registrations button, top of right-hand toolbar. .. this br...

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