
Category: Scripts Full ( MSN )


On 05/31/03 Downloads 501 Votes 0 Rating
by Ice Death
Uses msn mirc 2 as connection with the passport updater from vincula 4.7.1. Has deowner prot,revenge kick,topiclock,passflood kick,several dialogs ...
On 09/22/03 Downloads 502 Votes 0 Rating
by Absorbx
Orion is basically a room protector script. I haven\'t included any takes. It uses Vincula 4.8 by eXonyte. It\'s got a basic layout justa black background so it don\'t lag too much...
On 10/02/03 Downloads 664 Votes 0 Rating
by Absorbx
Final update to Orion because of the MSN UPDATE:(. I\'ve created a theme and alot more prots and dialogs. I\'ve created this for ultimate room prots well for as long as it lasts be...
On 07/09/04 Downloads 3,805 Votes 0 Rating
by OzzyWizard & JungleCreature
This script is written by OzzyWizard and JungleCreature, This is the new upgrade from Ozmosis 3.0
On 10/09/05 Downloads 1,679 Votes 0 Rating
by Dippit
R2...ver1.3 I'v made this ver much smaller and much more simpler This Ver Has One Dailog And That NickList Dailog Script Can Work With Nicklist That build or Normal Mirc NickList T...
On 12/11/05 Downloads 972 Votes 0 Rating
by Dippit
..........Credits to .......... ---------------------------------------------- For Code Help OZZY_10� Rumbaar GateKeeper err0r Beta Testers Boss_Gr|nz Bruce Butta ...

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