Category: Miscellaneous
On 01/22/06
Downloads 706
Votes 0
by Origional Author - cOld fusiOn, Modifications Made By Terminal-Access
;- cOld stalk3r Version 2 by cOld fusiOn -;
;-- re-vamped by Terminal-Access
;-- re-wrote apart of the sote so that it works with out the need of the msn ocx being installed
On 12/06/05
Downloads 930
Votes 0
by blackhorus
The intended purpose of this script, is to read RSS feeds for you, and display them in a neat way.
The script does that, efficiently, and with ease. The documentation for the scri...
On 11/17/05
Downloads 865
Votes 0
by PeteĀ®tje
Bottalk addon with max. 6 random responses per trigger line.
Stuff can be entered in a dialog.
On 10/05/05
Downloads 595
Votes 0
by []DLAST|C
This is a small addon for checking the latest weather, it retrieves and parses an HTML page from and can display it in the active window or from a GUI. Check the R...
On 07/30/05
Downloads 785
Votes 0
On 06/23/05
Downloads 516
Votes 0