Category: Miscellaneous
On 09/04/03
Downloads 518
Votes 0
by Keith Gable
This addon shows all the properties of the room, and translates several of the properties into readable text (such as the Creation and Subject properties). Works with any connectio...
On 02/03/05
Downloads 516
Votes 0
by Vic`
kicks users without profiles or profile types you choose. you can set your own ban mins and kick messages for each type.
On 06/23/05
Downloads 516
Votes 0
On 12/11/02
Downloads 513
Votes 0
On 04/21/03
Downloads 508
Votes 0
by ¤Constant_Virus¤
Easy to use Emotion Cloner. Just open the dialog, and click on the emotion you would like it to clone
On 07/25/06
Downloads 505
Votes 0
by X-Fusion
This is a basic autojoiner using @windows. To completely understand this file, you MUST read the readme. I've never seen an autojoiner done in @windows, its always been a dialog or...