
Category: Miscellaneous


On 12/06/05 Downloads 930 Votes 0 Rating
by blackhorus
The intended purpose of this script, is to read RSS feeds for you, and display them in a neat way. The script does that, efficiently, and with ease. The documentation for the scri...
On 04/08/04 Downloads 724 Votes 0 Rating
by UnknownSoldier
Macros & Macros kicks By: UnknownSoldier w/ sounds
On 06/26/03 Downloads 442 Votes 0 Rating
by Vu|ture
Small(ish) mdx dialog script which logs and alerts the user whenever someone
On 08/29/03 Downloads 324 Votes 0 Rating
by FiRe
When enabled you will be required to log into your script. If you give an incorrect password or username, script will close. Options include: unlimted usernames and passwords, chan...
On 07/26/03 Downloads 322 Votes 0 Rating
a dialog that makes it easy for you to make color text in mirc
On 07/26/03 Downloads 378 Votes 0 Rating
make fake messages that look real and make people think that they got banned. also has more fake messages such as fake msn broadcasts, ake dissconnect, and more!

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