
Category: Buzzen

Buzzen Subcategories


On 03/13/18 Downloads 53 Votes 0 Rating
by Paige
Here is the latest Alien9, spring cleaned, brought up to date. Hope you like this somewhat popular Alien, which must be reaching about 3000 downloads, since buzzen opened. Cheers. ...
On 01/15/18 Downloads 115 Votes 0 Rating
by Travis/paige themed
rObOt..Soulfly (by Travis) revisited. Very fast script, works well. Its been updated to buzzen changes. Also ive added a few cosmetic changes, visually, and accessability. I reco...
On 09/14/16 Downloads 1,600 Votes 3 Rating
by DJSimsUK
A basic socketless script with the following features: Easy connection ( by err0r ) Working whispers ( with on and off feature ) Auto join dialog ( staggered so it don't flood t...
On 06/11/16 Downloads 374 Votes 0 Rating
by Neophyte
Similar, but better in many ways to Mainly Sockless, fast , and comprehensive. I think its all you need.
On 05/08/16 Downloads 312 Votes 0 Rating
by Neophyte
This alien is an update to cover the latest Moschino Roomlister only 08/05/2016
On 04/03/16 Downloads 1,690 Votes 1 Rating
by extremity
This is an update to the popular Buzzen script Fracture. This latest update fixes the Buzzen roomlister. Update: 12.11.13 for gender fix Update: 03.05.15 for roomlister Update...

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