Category: Buzzen
Buzzen Subcategories
On 03/05/19
Downloads 17
Votes 0
by JeremyStCyr
I will be working more on Halo overtime.. so do not criticize to bad lol, this is just my update for buzzen v3, next release will be the good one, note: release modesay.mrc, this i...
On 09/14/16
Downloads 1,600
Votes 3
by DJSimsUK
A basic socketless script with the following features:
Easy connection ( by err0r )
Working whispers ( with on and off feature )
Auto join dialog ( staggered so it don't flood t...
On 08/02/20
Downloads 27
Votes 1
by paige
Totally updated plaZma script, in all respects. For BUZZEN. Now socketless. Auto joins 3 rooms on start. Probably all you need , but add more as you wish.
On 02/19/21
Downloads 46
Votes 1
by paige
Predator-B (socketless) script for Buzzen chat. Very simple to use. Customised .
On 06/11/16
Downloads 374
Votes 0
by Neophyte
Similar, but better in many ways to Mainly Sockless, fast , and comprehensive. I think its all you need.
On 01/15/18
Downloads 115
Votes 0
by Travis/paige themed
rObOt..Soulfly (by Travis) revisited. Very fast script, works well. Its been updated to buzzen changes. Also ive added a few cosmetic changes, visually, and accessability.
I reco...