Category: Sparkpea (msn ocx)
Sparkpea (msn ocx) Subcategories
On 03/20/17
Downloads 592
Votes 2
On 05/16/13
Downloads 493
Votes 0
by Paige
Script made for the Sparkpea chat network using the 0piate connection by malicious! Script navigation and setup makes things simple for those who are new to using scripts! 0piate f...
On 08/01/13
Downloads 683
Votes 0
by Neophyte
A simple to use, basic script for Sparkpea chat. Would suit a newcomer to sparkpea or someone who wants a basic script to add to. Having said that, it has all you basically need, w...
On 11/15/08
Downloads 592
Votes 0
Simple connection for Sparkpea. Use /ud to set your email and password to update cookies. Then use /connect to connect to the sparkpea server.
On 04/19/13
Downloads 295
Votes 0
by Purebulldog
Old script made by Ex|t converted and modified for Sparkpea chat network by Purebulldog! Updated to Sparkpea Vincula 5.2.2
On 04/19/13
Downloads 462
Votes 0
by Paige
Nice options based script for Sparkpea chat network made to be used on screen resolutions 1024x768 or higher! Fixed March 14, 2010 by Datto, updated lookup servers and fixed a few ...