Category: Sparkpea (msn ocx)
Sparkpea (msn ocx) Subcategories
On 07/18/08
Downloads 1,006
Votes 0
by Rumbaar
Hybrid Omega is a fully functional and useful room manager for MSN Main/Group Chat rooms. Contains many protections and useful additions to running your MSN Main/Group Chat room. R...
On 05/06/08
Downloads 1,128
Votes 0
by GhOst and x-c0n
Awesome prots you wont find in any other scripts around, elite sockread, Nice aop, Nice Banlist, Nice MP3, Nice room listers, Away system v1.0, alot others good stuff with this scr...
On 03/10/08
Downloads 630
Votes 0
On 11/15/08
Downloads 592
Votes 0
Simple connection for Sparkpea. Use /ud to set your email and password to update cookies. Then use /connect to connect to the sparkpea server.
On 09/01/09
Downloads 627
Votes 0
by Pent/Nexus
Obituary started as me trying to recreate a script I made before but never released and took on its own life, this is by no means a protective script, its an excessively customizab...