
Category: mIRC Addons

mIRC Addons Subcategories


On 05/16/08 Downloads 1,069 Votes 0 Rating
by Israfel
A funny kicks snippet. Change /Timer to .Timer to hide timer echos
On 08/11/08 Downloads 820 Votes 0 Rating
by napa182
A very simple vote snippet that allows you to gather results from a vote posted in a channel.
On 08/10/08 Downloads 910 Votes 0 Rating
by EL
Simply open a new remote ALT +R and paste an save if u wish.Little timer dialog it just list all your active timers and you can get info on each one or halt a selected timer or hal...
On 08/09/08 Downloads 746 Votes 0 Rating
by myndzi
Use this snippet to safely see the code in a $decode string
On 08/14/08 Downloads 930 Votes 0 Rating
by Scakk
With this dialog you can hide ( or show if hidden ) Channels , @Windows and Query windows. You can hide/show one at a time or all at once. Edit 13Aug08: It will now join you to ...
On 08/28/08 Downloads 854 Votes 0 Rating
by da^hype
Generates a neat little summary of your loaded alias and remote files. Sample: ======= Remote(s) ======= Total Remotes = 6 file(s) Total Line(s) = 2928 line(s) Total Size =...

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