Category: Buzzen Scripts
On 11/18/08
Downloads 433
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by Andy306
This is an open source project with the emphasis of helping new scripters! Includes various tools such as various DLLs, mIRC Tools, Dialog Studios, Variable Cleaners and much more!...
On 11/18/08
Downloads 599
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by Dabba modified by Twist of Fat
Dabba's Moschino FlashBuzzen 2.37 full connection script with Trivia and Word Frenzy added!
On 11/18/08
Downloads 643
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by Dabba modifed by JW
A rendition of Dabba's Moschino FlashBuzzen 2.37 full connection script with added Super Trivia and various other chatroom related interactive games!
On 04/20/13
Downloads 702
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by JW
A rendition of Dabba's Moschino FlashBuzzen 2.37 full connection script modded by JW with added Super Trivia and various other chatroom related interactive games
On 04/20/13
Downloads 698
Votes 0
by Solar
This is the Final Nightmare script by Solar. It has been fun to do this last Nightmare. I have a Lot of help from Lot of friend's. Like to thank Blade for taken time with me when S...
On 11/18/08
Downloads 512
Votes 0
by Solar
Good multi-feature script for Buzzens FlashIRC chat network which uses Moschino FlashBuzzen connection! Custom sidebar includes many options and dialogs and room control features s...