Category: Game Addons
On 12/28/02
Downloads 1,744
Votes 0
On 02/13/08
Downloads 1,591
Votes 0
by David Olsen
Trivia addon for mIRC Includes alot of extra questions not in the original download thanks to djv
On 08/11/10
Downloads 1,527
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by Paranoia
This is a pretty simple game I threw together at the request of some guys in my channel. You pick a person to bomb, and the script will give them 45 seconds and 1 chance to cut the...
On 06/07/08
Downloads 1,253
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by Deimius
This is my own Rock Paper Scissors game that I use on my Bot. It's my first real snippet that I actually made from scratch, however unoriginal it is. It is a little long, so any in...
On 09/08/10
Downloads 1,186
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by AlexRapso
Different way of playing roulette, the first player who makes a bet sets off the bets then after 60 seconds the roulette is spun.
!Money/!Money (Nick)
On 06/23/08
Downloads 1,079
Votes 0
by Alup
usage: !8ball
create a new text fill in your bots dir
name it 8ball.txt
add the stuff between the 8ball.txt start - 8ball.txt end in to the file and save