Category: Information Addons
On 07/14/08
Downloads 1,115
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by EL
syntax: !UrbanS word definition or example definition number EXP: !UrbanS Napa Definition 4 or !UrbanS Napa Example 4.yeah you can pick either or and like the other script it track...
On 07/09/08
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by MountainDew
This script searches for videos on YouTube and returns the first three results.
It returns the Title, Date Added, User, Length, Views, Rating, and URL for each video.
On 09/30/08
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by Zmodem
Google Definer is a very primitive snippet that allows you to load the definition for words, from google, into a custom dialog.
Syntax: /gdef
I only say that it's primitive ...
On 03/26/07
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by C-Dryk & Lievre2mars
IRC Live Translator is a mIRC AddOn which simplifies the use of online translators, and which can also be used to translate "on the fly" every room and/or whispers you are chatting...
On 03/28/10
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by Ford Lawnmower
This script will do web, local, video, news, books, images, and patent searches.
Triggers are as follows:
(!trigger for notice user - @trigger for message channel.)
!google = we...
On 06/08/09
Downloads 961
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by Cassiel
Popups for mirc and system uptime. You can echo the info or message channel.