Category: Information Addons
On 01/13/09
Downloads 591
Votes 1
by jonesy44
The uTorrent mirc addon streams information from the web user interface function, therfore you will need to enable it in the utorrent options panel.
One note i have to add, unti...
On 03/20/09
Downloads 1,711
Votes 1
by FordLawnmower
!Time script. Gets the time from
Syntax is !time city state | !time city country | !time airportcode | !time zipcode.
It also has an alias /time that uses the s...
On 02/21/12
Downloads 1,379
Votes 1
by FordLawnmower
Description: Simple Youtube Downloader will download a youtube video based on the link that you enter and place it in the folder you select. The default download location is $mircd...
On 05/24/19
Downloads 106
Votes 3
by Winz
V2.5.5 - Bug fix, wasn't updating the wdb.txt file properly and saving info
Should be good to go.
V2.5 - Changed the following: !forecast is now !fc. (Forecast location is NOT ...
On 07/08/08
Downloads 1,302
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by Scakk
This dialog will allow you to get the $chr(#) for anything you enter into the edit box. It will also allow you to add it to the clipboard for ease of use.
On 09/22/09
Downloads 490
Votes 1
by entropy
Grabs Torrents From 6 Misc. Websites
Note: Illegally downloading copyrighted material is a crime. Though many torrents do not fit this category please be aware that many torren...