Category: Connections
Connections Subcategories
On 03/12/04
Downloads 985
Votes 0
On 03/01/04
Downloads 2,474
Votes 0
by eXonyte edited by Koz|cal
Vincula 4.9 edited to include user role and room creation
On 02/29/04
Downloads 740
Votes 0
by KaZ/Kevin
its a fast connection, uses subinfo.. has a sockread mass Gold i took out all my Good crap and made a basik if ($4-5 == -q $me) protection.. But its quick.. Better Crap in Versions...
On 02/17/04
Downloads 932
Votes 0
by Rhyahn
My attempt at a msn script connection. I wrote this before I gave up msn scripting, but i've given it to a few mates and they think it is great. It doesn't have much options, and o...