Category: Connections
Connections Subcategories
On 09/28/05
Downloads 1,010
Votes 0
by vexation
people keep telling me to make a more bare-bones connection, so here it is. it's completely ocx-less, needs no files other than itself, and it pretty much does nothing other than ...
On 03/04/05
Downloads 1,032
Votes 0
by zBrute
; This is just your average connection. There are no prots, no clone hop, really
; there's nothing extremely special about it. If you don't like it, don't use it.
; That's pretty mu...
On 08/27/05
Downloads 2,225
Votes 0
by zBrute
updated blackb0x again! I made it ocxless, and if everyone should
be ok while updating to the new version. At first there were lots of problems,
but I managed to fix them and eve...
On 12/20/04
Downloads 7,608
Votes 0
by vexation
One of the top MSN connections availiable to the public. sock updaters, best groups system, easier setup, more options...
On 04/29/06
Downloads 989
Votes 0
by Cryton
Core-msn version 4.5.2 has been updated to connect and its with latest nuclear msn connection(6.2.0a).I made some updates with nuclear msn connection as well as with core-msn scrip...
On 01/23/05
Downloads 1,189
Votes 0
by Tariq
A Fast MSN Chat connection. It has everything you would ever want. Banlist, Aop, Logger, etc!.. Please note that I did not rip this connection from any other!.. This is my first re...