
Category: Connections

Connections Subcategories


On 03/01/06 Downloads 809 Votes 0 Rating
by xy-code
Fast and simpl MSN group connection. Ocxless and no Dll files. Support long named groups. Allow joining rooms by separated accounts. Multi-Updating of 1 account for many groups...
On 03/12/04 Downloads 786 Votes 0 Rating
by kronik
nice connection by kronik
On 02/29/04 Downloads 740 Votes 0 Rating
by KaZ/Kevin
its a fast connection, uses subinfo.. has a sockread mass Gold i took out all my Good crap and made a basik if ($4-5 == -q $me) protection.. But its quick.. Better Crap in Versions...
On 08/19/05 Downloads 733 Votes 0 Rating
by xnextx
Simple connection with group support and long room support..

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