Category: Connections
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On 08/06/06
Downloads 810
Votes 0
by eXonyte modified by ĐЈ√™
This is the official return and end of my involvement in the Vincula EZR series! Special thanks goes out to KnightRider and Cryton for their help as well! Includes Aop, roomlister ...
On 04/14/06
Downloads 1,015
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by eXonyte/X-Fusion
Vincula 4.9(Edited) has been reupdated due to MSN's recent server switch. Added The Gate Keepers updater for easy use. To use the updater type /update -s for subscription or /upda...
On 04/16/06
Downloads 1,487
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by Gwen
Updated Connection using the TGK's Vincula PPUpdater, and a modified version of TGK's Vincula Room Creation.
Works with mIRC 6.16, 6.17, and the various windows versions.
On 03/12/04
Downloads 1,801
Votes 0
by eXonyte
This connection will not correct correctly without being edited.. Please view our tutorials on getting subscriber info and user role to see hot to edit this connection to work.
On 03/29/04
Downloads 1,634
Votes 0
by eXonyte ( small mods by err0r )
I have modded this version of vincula to include the props for user role or subscription info. Passport dialog updated to include them as well. Also updated the popups. For now you...
On 10/20/04
Downloads 3,633
Votes 0
by eXonyte edited by Gwen
Modified Version of Vincula. *All Versions of EZR Have Updated Theme Inspired By ClearMSN. Joins as Guest, Spectator, Subscriber and Groups. Uses Custom Nick or MSNREGCookie. Auto ...