
Category: Buzzen Addons


On 12/13/12 Downloads 523 Votes 0 Rating
by Gabriel & Paul
Custom dcx buzzen access lister. just something different to use. has many options, yet remains small and compact. You will need to have dcx.dll loaded along with the dcx tools loa...
On 04/07/09 Downloads 499 Votes 1 Rating
by CharmedOne
Keeps room owner on access list with what ever time they want in seconds & controls other options in room access. Easy & Simple to use something a room owner can make use out of.
On 01/07/09 Downloads 537 Votes 0 Rating
by CharmedOne
This is a WORD specific dialog that kicks for words you do not want used in your room like racist words & etc It gives 2 warnings before kicking. Thanks to Jethro_ for the little help that I did need in putting this together.
On 01/02/09 Downloads 467 Votes 1 Rating
by CharmedOne
This is a url specific dialog, I realize that a lot of people who use scripts are not scripters but room owners. This is a user friendly Anti Spam Kicker where people can actuall...
On 01/21/12 Downloads 590 Votes 1 Rating
by Erroneous
Customizable Auto-Bounce - Auto-Bounce Kicks Like A Shit List
On 01/21/12 Downloads 615 Votes 1 Rating
by Erroneous
Customizable Bad Nickname Kicker - Kicks Nicknames That Contain Words Or Chars Pre-Set (Default List) Or Set By You (Edited List)  

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