
Category: Sparkpea Addons


On 04/19/13 Downloads 442 Votes 0 Rating
by TacticalThunder
This is a nice little trivia script by Davey_Boi UK using the 0piate^3.5 Final OCXless connection by malici0us and was highly recommended by Chain as a nice addition to Evolution S...
On 05/10/09 Downloads 530 Votes 0 Rating
by Bry`
I made this for those users who are thinking about releasing their clients for the general public. This lets the creators make the remote commands for their release, and it makes i...
On 06/22/09 Downloads 1,243 Votes 0 Rating
by Courtney
For Sparkpea IRCx network. Gets channel list through http. Right click in status or channel to run dialog. Enjoy. xd.
On 04/19/13 Downloads 455 Votes 0 Rating
by ColdStalker
cOld stalk3r by Terminal Access is a User Search Engine for locating people connected to SPCN Servers, An Advanced Supped Up Find A Friend if you'd like to call it that. cOld stalk...
On 06/21/09 Downloads 2,013 Votes 1 Rating
by Courtney
Findu for SPCN network. syntax: /findu findu is case sensitive. xd.
On 11/09/09 Downloads 944 Votes 1 Rating
by Abek
this file is case sensative - i.e if the nick name is Abek you cant use abek .. use Abek . have fun:$

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