
Category: Chatcore


On 05/20/11 Downloads 637 Votes 0 Rating
by Neophyte
Small,fast,Simple to use, basic script for the chatcore chat network. Custom nicklist,cutom menus, dialogs, One main Control panel, (mostly everything in the same place). Add whate...
On 01/18/12 Downloads 606 Votes 0 Rating
by Neophyte
Easy to use, fairly basic script. ..Much customised. has its own inbuilt dedicated winamp. Also has Wechat,..... probably ( im sure) the best server webchat, out there..... Lots of...
On 12/07/11 Downloads 599 Votes 0 Rating
by Neophyte
Fully customised script for chatcore ..2 boxes will pop up on start up.. fill them in with your chatcore registered account details. The script will connect and join Jens chatroom....
On 04/19/13 Downloads 450 Votes 0 Rating
by Paige
Full Script for the ChatCore Chat service. Try it out to join a very friendly and helpful chat. Just open the script, click on SETUP (top of right hand sidebar), choose how you wan...
On 04/19/13 Downloads 420 Votes 0 Rating
by Paige
Updated Script for Chatcore. Uses custom nicklist, custom menus, tooltipped sidebar, Fixed Size mirc , etc etc. Lots of goodies.This v2 version now includes kicks, bans,prots, mod...
On 06/08/11 Downloads 736 Votes 0 Rating
by Neophyte
Latest update to the Griffin script, with added features and smaller footprint. Help file extended . (Try it out, come to Chatcore chat!). Easy to use, single server, straightforwa...

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