Category: All
On 06/05/08
Downloads 792
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by Paige
This is simply a webchat based mIRC which uses the nhtml dll for browser windows within mIRC! This script has no connection and no chatroom related addons, it is simply just a mIRC...
On 06/03/08
Downloads 432
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by TheGeekLord
This is a simple script which lists information about loaded scripts
On 06/03/08
Downloads 690
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by C-Dryk
Inspired of Noutrious's script ;)
- Use engine (70'000'000 hashes)
- Use also approximately 15 external databases
- Solves problems of UTF8 encoding
- Accurate informations with colors ^^
Usage: /rmd5 [md5 hash]
On 06/02/08
Downloads 332
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by Riamus
A mirc addon that use socket to get definitions for words and send them to channel. Custom dialog to edit colors and control time of sends.
On 05/29/08
Downloads 1,011
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by Noutrious
Well, i think a good example for newbies at sockets (like myself) - retrieves needed data from the website and echo'es it. Only 13 lines, but it does his job for good ;)
Syntax: /r...
On 05/27/08
Downloads 719
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by Joel-Kun
This is a pretty long gambling script I made. I have to much time on my hands o_O. But anyway the commands are 'gamble, 'loan, 'stats, and 'self
Gamble: Only for gambling against ...