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On 12/23/15 Downloads 556 Votes 1 Rating
by see help file
This is not the lates build (the latest build 2.0.151 has several bugs), but is the last optimal and non-bugs build. Changes since 1117 [general] moved the include for map's...
On 06/11/17 Downloads 586 Votes 2 Rating
by err0r
Full featured connection for ircWX networks. Contains all the needed accessibility for access, room lists, modes, props, etc. Extras include webchat addon, full featured editors fo...
On 05/20/11 Downloads 637 Votes 0 Rating
by Neophyte
Small,fast,Simple to use, basic script for the chatcore chat network. Custom nicklist,cutom menus, dialogs, One main Control panel, (mostly everything in the same place). Add whate...
On 12/24/08 Downloads 1,164 Votes 0 Rating
by Purcell
Created by Purcell, Modified by Khmer Used to ban/kick a user in a room using the remote command !ban Uses +b to set ban. Logs reason for the ban so you can display at a...
On 03/20/09 Downloads 1,696 Votes 1 Rating
by FordLawnmower
!Time script. Gets the time from Syntax is !time city state | !time city country | !time airportcode | !time zipcode. It also has an alias /time that uses the s...
On 03/20/09 Downloads 1,464 Votes 0 Rating
by FordLawnmower
This script uses twitters search engine to search tweeds for matches. It returns the top 5 matches along with usernames and URL's. Syntax is !twitter search words or /twitter searc...

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