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On 12/03/07 Downloads 745 Votes 0 Rating
by Updated by d33j4y
An old custom text responder add-on by extensively updated and about 90% recoded by d33j4y™ mainly for use on Buzzens Flash IRC chat network but can be used on other chat network...
On 11/22/07 Downloads 559 Votes 0 Rating
IRC Chat client with some very nice features. At this time the program is freeware but plans are to take it commercial. Give it a try.
On 11/18/07 Downloads 562 Votes 0 Rating
by brinxy
/tip is an alias that uses either mIRC 6.3's $tip or picwins to create a notify window. You have many options configuration wise, and the syntax is simple to use. You can edit thes...
On 11/14/07 Downloads 661 Votes 0 Rating
by Warrior124
This addon connects to mapquest for destination directions, and The Weather Channel for updates on current weather. For mapquest type in the addresses of two different locations...
On 11/12/07 Downloads 1,070 Votes 0 Rating
by Warrior124
This version is made specifically for the network. Included is Chat Guardian with Chat Defender. Added updates to the nicklist such as new icons, and coding update. Al...
On 11/05/07 Downloads 950 Votes 0 Rating
by Lindrian
Raw Finder addon.

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