
Category: All


On 07/26/03 Downloads 322 Votes 0 Rating
a dialog that makes it easy for you to make color text in mirc
On 07/26/03 Downloads 347 Votes 0 Rating
it lets you keep track of how long youve been on the computer, and lets you record the longest youve been on.
On 07/26/03 Downloads 268 Votes 0 Rating
records a log of people that join ur room and there gate keeper passports. also records it in a txt file with the time and date, and room.
On 07/26/03 Downloads 378 Votes 0 Rating
make fake messages that look real and make people think that they got banned. also has more fake messages such as fake msn broadcasts, ake dissconnect, and more!
On 07/26/03 Downloads 527 Votes 0 Rating
by technix
Choose nicname 2 go away with, set ur own interval to msg the room your away msg.Good for msn or ircx. Easy for anyone to use
On 07/26/03 Downloads 297 Votes 0 Rating
by Hayden`
Onscreen Keyboard addon.

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