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On 04/20/13 Downloads 337 Votes 0 Rating
by Harsh_Wayne
An old Buzzen chat script which had a few more features added from the previous version. Used Moschino 1.7 connection for Buzzen V1.
On 04/20/13 Downloads 380 Votes 0 Rating
by Harsh_Wayne
An old archived script for Buzzen V1 which used the Moschino 1.7 connection.
On 04/20/13 Downloads 345 Votes 0 Rating
by Boss Gr|nz
Archived custom mIRC Script made for the old Buzzen V1 chat network
On 04/20/13 Downloads 770 Votes 0 Rating
by Andy306
GENESIS for Buzzen V2 [Flash IRC] original author †PÅP681† modified by Andy306 is ready for download. GENESIS V2.3 will be using Dabbas Moschino[FlashBuzzen]Standa...
On 04/20/13 Downloads 702 Votes 0 Rating
by JW
A rendition of Dabba's Moschino FlashBuzzen 2.37 full connection script modded by JW with added Super Trivia and various other chatroom related interactive games
On 04/20/13 Downloads 559 Votes 0 Rating
by Toast updated by BytchAmy
I felt no need to change all of Toasts codes & then call it a remake of the original, So i left all codes the same but updated them to work on Flash Buzzen leaving the intergrity & hard work Toast put into it. Once again an old classic is back, enjoy. Original script creator Toast updated by BytchAmy.

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