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On 04/19/13 Downloads 347 Votes 0 Rating
by d33j4yâ„¢
Beta release of Cuffs N Roses for Sparkpea Chat Network which basically means it may have some bugs etc. so please post in ES Forum if you have any problems! Uses Vincula sparkpea ...
On 04/19/13 Downloads 391 Votes 0 Rating
by d33j4yâ„¢
This is a classic script from the Msn chat days from Tanker now updated by d33j4yâ„¢ with Sparkpea Vincula 5.2.2 connection!
On 04/19/13 Downloads 295 Votes 0 Rating
by Purebulldog
Old script made by Ex|t converted and modified for Sparkpea chat network by Purebulldog! Updated to Sparkpea Vincula 5.2.2
On 04/19/13 Downloads 410 Votes 0 Rating
by TacticalThunder
Original script by Tommy with modifications done by Bytch Amy! This script converted for Sparkpea Chat Network now includes the Vincula Sparkpea modded connection version 5.2.2 by ...
On 04/19/13 Downloads 363 Votes 0 Rating
by Sonoflights
Sonoflights Bible bot full script which includes Vincula sparkpea 5.2.2 for the connection!
On 04/19/13 Downloads 367 Votes 0 Rating
by TacticalThunder
A script by AMD-Athlon which uses the Sparkpea Vincula 5.2.2 connection and has a few added features such as a profile reader and a few other room options! Fixed 10-19-2011 by T...

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