
Category: All


On 05/24/12 Downloads 467 Votes 0 Rating
by Ar3S
Possiamo dire che Ar3S sa il fatto suo. Con poche funzioni ... tra l'altro fatte da lui stesso, riesce a farmi dire che è uno script ben realizzato con un ottimo gestore temi pe...
On 05/24/12 Downloads 784 Votes 0 Rating
by Ice_Boy
FlIrT Edition ScrIpT è uno script che si presenta con un aspetto gradevole e carino adeguato al tema che lo script propone. Lo script sarebbe di buon livello per le funzioni che...
On 05/22/12 Downloads 347 Votes 0 Rating
by d33j4y
This MOD will allow your members to share their mood through icons. There are over 100 moods that can be selected that show in such places as your profile page and topic view. Orig...
On 04/27/12 Downloads 622 Votes 0 Rating
by SEC
This is a dialog for entering emotes into the editbox if you can't remember then keystrokes like me. Simple and easy to use. Please see the readme.text for instructions on how to...
On 04/18/12 Downloads 781 Votes 1 Rating
by VxD
PLUG-IN for mIRC 7 Attributes: Popups mIRC color, image background, icons, trasparency, personalized manner using the DCX library.DLL Compatibility: This addon is designed...
On 04/15/12 Downloads 463 Votes 0 Rating
by _Terror [K] ing_
A script is well-made note of commitment _Terror [K] ing_ which I followed all his works and this is an excellent chapter in which the end of his saga.

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