Category: All
On 05/20/11
Downloads 637
Votes 0
by Neophyte
Small,fast,Simple to use, basic script for the chatcore chat network. Custom nicklist,cutom menus, dialogs, One main Control panel, (mostly everything in the same place). Add whate...
On 04/17/11
Downloads 652
Votes 0
by err0r
DCX Buzzen access lister dialog. For best results use with mIRC 7* and DCX.dll build for mIRC 7*
DCX dll and aliases not included. Get them from [url=
On 03/29/11
Downloads 846
Votes 0
by Neophyte
Unreal ircd multi-server, Koach,Chatcore,Chains. Singly or multi -join. Lots of options, Custom nicklists, custom menus, mts theme changer, lots of themes and deviations of themes....
On 03/17/11
Downloads 522
Votes 0
by FroggieDaFrog
A small addon inwhich allows users to quicly post data to (Supports all functions that does at the time of submission)
March 16, 2011, versi...
On 03/17/11
Downloads 1,288
Votes 0
by FroggieDaFrog
This script will let you extract a specified .zip file to a specified directory.
On 03/07/11
Downloads 551
Votes 0
by DragonHeart1
this script is a updated version of porn star v2 but for chat core,this script has a mp3 player,spam buster,profanity dialog and utilities remote commands, this script has been rec...