
Category: All


On 01/09/09 Downloads 613 Votes 0 Rating
by MaSOuD
You can control the Winamp from your mIRC Toolbar and in the Settings there is a Announcer you can use it if you like/need it...
On 01/07/09 Downloads 537 Votes 0 Rating
by CharmedOne
This is a WORD specific dialog that kicks for words you do not want used in your room like racist words & etc It gives 2 warnings before kicking. Thanks to Jethro_ for the little help that I did need in putting this together.
On 01/02/09 Downloads 467 Votes 1 Rating
by CharmedOne
This is a url specific dialog, I realize that a lot of people who use scripts are not scripters but room owners. This is a user friendly Anti Spam Kicker where people can actuall...
On 01/02/09 Downloads 595 Votes 1 Rating
by Foreverurs
Hi everyone :D This dialog is designed to make the use of ChanServ a little easier heres what you have to do in order to use this step 1) in your mIRC type //echo $mircdir...
On 12/28/08 Downloads 724 Votes 2 Rating
by SeRDaR406
Easy to use mIRC Toolbar designer. Unfortunately, the help files are in Turkish.
On 12/24/08 Downloads 705 Votes 0 Rating
by mountaindew
To launch it you either type /thesaurus or right click a window and hit "Thesaurus". Just type in a word and it'll look up the synonyms and antonyms for that word.

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