Category: All
On 10/30/07
Downloads 1,847
Votes 1
by pony
1st time warns user and whipser them if said again will be kicked and ban 15 2ed time kicks and bans user for 15 msg when return why they was kicked
On 04/23/04
Downloads 1,828
Votes 0
by Tha-Doctor
A Complete MSN Style Chat Script with Basic Options , Perfect for the general Chatter. This script is designd for the use on IRCx Servers , it will have problems with emoticons and...
On 03/12/04
Downloads 1,801
Votes 0
by eXonyte
This connection will not correct correctly without being edited.. Please view our tutorials on getting subscriber info and user role to see hot to edit this connection to work.
On 12/28/02
Downloads 1,744
Votes 0
On 03/26/05
Downloads 1,741
Votes 0
by pai
A very nice mIRC script. Has lots of options and a very nice loading interface. This script does not include mirc.exe. You will need to read the readme file and follow the instruct...
On 07/02/04
Downloads 1,736
Votes 0
by Fady
This is a Script Connection for NSM Chat. Created by Fady and translated into English by -¤Antoni¤-. Please read the ReadMe.txt file at first !