Category: All
On 03/02/04
Downloads 516
Votes 1
by Anomaly
A dialog that lets you set the various room modes and properties that are supported by MSN Chat Rooms.
On 02/03/05
Downloads 516
Votes 0
by Vic`
kicks users without profiles or profile types you choose. you can set your own ban mins and kick messages for each type.
On 06/23/05
Downloads 516
Votes 0
On 10/28/10
Downloads 516
Votes 0
by Saturn
It's a known fact that the way mIRC handles spaces in scripts is not exactly perfect; double consecutive spaces get lost when calling commands and tokenizing text strings. This has ...
On 12/18/14
Downloads 516
Votes 0
by Da-SpawnX
This config generator dialog is used to help create the paperirc config file and oper file for paperirc chat server programs.