
Category: All


On 06/26/03 Downloads 442 Votes 0 Rating
by Vu|ture
Small(ish) mdx dialog script which logs and alerts the user whenever someone
On 04/19/13 Downloads 442 Votes 0 Rating
by TacticalThunder
This is a nice little trivia script by Davey_Boi UK using the 0piate^3.5 Final OCXless connection by malici0us and was highly recommended by Chain as a nice addition to Evolution S...
On 12/08/02 Downloads 441 Votes 0 Rating
by eXonyte
it won't autoupdate the CLSID, you have to do that manually and eXo can't update the autoupdate .txt file which means it'll tell people that 4.4 has been released
On 08/26/03 Downloads 441 Votes 0 Rating
by BTB-tom
Room nickname finder.
On 04/22/13 Downloads 441 Votes 0 Rating
by da^hype
An all around script of sorts, making IRC much more user friendly.
On 01/29/03 Downloads 440 Votes 0 Rating
by FiRe
A nice script with a lot of options. Fun and effective ;-) Uses Vincula Neo!

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