
Category: All


On 05/16/10 Downloads 367 Votes 0 Rating
by Turtizzle
This addon allows scripters to turn their listboxes into (very simple) treeviews-remakes. There is no DLL needed, everything is done by pure mIRC-Scripting. For further informati...
On 04/19/13 Downloads 367 Votes 0 Rating
by TacticalThunder
A script by AMD-Athlon which uses the Sparkpea Vincula 5.2.2 connection and has a few added features such as a profile reader and a few other room options! Fixed 10-19-2011 by T...
On 04/20/13 Downloads 367 Votes 0 Rating
by Þ®ïñ©è…Ôƒ…Юéåm§†™
Archived NSM/Buzzen connection made by Þ®ïñ©è…Ôƒ…Юéåm§†™
On 04/22/13 Downloads 367 Votes 0 Rating
by YA-HA
A great script, full of features, with generally very neat dialogs.
On 01/29/03 Downloads 366 Votes 0 Rating
by X-Fusion
The Shared Whiteboard addon demonstrates some of the amazing new features of mIRC 6.x. With it, you can draw pictures within your mIRC window. You can also draw pictures in real-...
On 02/03/03 Downloads 366 Votes 0 Rating
by •Sin•
Room modes dialog, with host/owner options, ban options and other stuff - •Sin•

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