Category: All
On 06/21/03
Downloads 705
Votes 0
On 12/24/08
Downloads 705
Votes 0
by mountaindew
To launch it you either type /thesaurus or right click a window and hit "Thesaurus".
Just type in a word and it'll look up the synonyms and antonyms for that word.
On 04/20/13
Downloads 702
Votes 0
by JW
A rendition of Dabba's Moschino FlashBuzzen 2.37 full connection script modded by JW with added Super Trivia and various other chatroom related interactive games
On 10/23/11
Downloads 700
Votes 0
by Neophyte
Script for Sparkpea , Welcome back to them. Most everything you need in the script. Try it, hope u like it. The conn in it works good. The conn used is sparkz-v2. I fitted an alter...
On 07/28/03
Downloads 698
Votes 0
by Cleric_xtx
a simple webchat window that lets you use msnchat on mirc, like a web browser. includes guest_null fix
On 07/28/03
Downloads 698
Votes 0
by Amoeba
Kick out those pesky pornbots and keep them out. This version fixes a slight hop issue found in v1.0.