
Category: All


On 06/23/03 Downloads 668 Votes 0 Rating
by Ice Devil
It kicks people out of the room if their idletime is higher than the maximum you've set. There's also an option wich does this: if the persons idletime is bigger than the allowed m...
On 03/17/06 Downloads 668 Votes 1 Rating
by Warrior124
Key Safe backs up your mirc registration so that, in the event that your registration gets deleted, it will restore your registration. Some antivirus\antispam programs can remov...
On 08/13/10 Downloads 668 Votes 1 Rating
by MakiMaki
Unleashed by Makimaki - Simple, basic, clean, no frills and easy to use. Based off the nth connection, built for Phreik. Build on to it or use as a baseline chat client.
On 02/28/03 Downloads 666 Votes 0 Rating
by FiRe
Version 2 of this script. Alot of options
On 05/31/03 Downloads 666 Votes 0 Rating
by xOppression aka DarkNeko
Great Mp3. Uses no special files like MDX's or DLL's. Nice Dialog. Very Well Put Together. Great for playing full directory's of Mp3s
On 07/05/03 Downloads 666 Votes 0 Rating
by •Vü£� ü®ø•™
An Update to SuperKicker-vX 1.0 - Has all the concievable protections, 7 user levels, 6 hostile levels, and the highest possible list of helpful remote commands. The script can be ...

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