
Category: All


On 02/10/11 Downloads 1,103 Votes 0 Rating
by Haddock
This is an update of the $ansi2mirc function, which doesn't quite convert the ansi colours properly. Use $ansi2mirc2(text) to convert ansi colour-coded text to mirc colours.
On 07/08/08 Downloads 1,298 Votes 1 Rating
by Scakk
This dialog will allow you to get the $chr(#) for anything you enter into the edit box. It will also allow you to add it to the clipboard for ease of use.
On 03/17/11 Downloads 1,300 Votes 0 Rating
by FroggieDaFrog
This script will let you extract a specified .zip file to a specified directory.
On 06/08/08 Downloads 1,025 Votes 0 Rating
by Scakk
The below snippet with tell you the percentage of capital letters , lowercase letters or both. It will only take into account letters in the string being checked. ;http://www.haw...
On 03/02/10 Downloads 1,089 Votes 0 Rating
by Flobse
A snippet to create a picture with colorgradient, or to create a frame around a picture or to create a progressbar.
On 10/29/10 Downloads 1,140 Votes 0 Rating
by Spoofing
Convert string from IRC to HTML format (processes and interprets control codes, spaces, HTML special chars)

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