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On 09/03/04 Downloads 4,204 Votes 1 Rating
by LoVeDoCtOrCaSa
Updated Script, killed a few bugs and installed latest Mirc version. IRC script with lots of Options , like auto join , auto founder , auto identify , IRCop functions (u see them o...
On 05/22/05 Downloads 977 Votes 1 Rating
by Kamek
A simple DLL that lets you change the icon and titlebar text of windows and dialogs in mIRC. Works with mIRC v 5.8+
On 08/14/08 Downloads 1,007 Votes 4 Rating
by Lindrian
A friendly IRc script for all users with lots of functions. such as a control panel that gives you access to what ever you need, also states what each control funtion is for. Plus ...
On 10/30/07 Downloads 1,805 Votes 1 Rating
by pony
1st time warns user and whipser them if said again will be kicked and ban 15 2ed time kicks and bans user for 15 msg when return why they was kicked
On 10/31/07 Downloads 1,309 Votes 1 Rating
by pony
first time warns in room and also whispers user will be ban if done again second time Kicks and bans for 15 min on rejoin msg room why u was kicked
On 08/18/09 Downloads 717 Votes 1 Rating
by unclerami
mIRC SQLite is an implementation of the SQLite library for mIRC. It requires mIRC version 6.2 or higher. It offers a flexible and easy-to-use API (Application Programming Interface...

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