Category: mIRC Addons
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On 10/30/07
Downloads 1,847
Votes 1
by pony
1st time warns user and whipser them if said again will be kicked and ban 15 2ed time kicks and bans user for 15 msg when return why they was kicked
On 08/07/07
Downloads 569
Votes 0
by Flobse
This little piece of code acts as a message buffering system for relaying text to channels. It can also send messages to the Status Window, or a custom @window, but it’s for send...
On 03/11/07
Downloads 548
Votes 0
by Warrior124
This is a multi file download manager. Use it to download either a single, or multiple files at once from about any url. Just input the url, and go.
Balloons have been added to ...