Category: mIRC Addons
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On 10/08/09
Downloads 440
Votes 0
by Nexus Oblivion
Docking on text system with popup menus and changable colors, required dll's are in the folder and must be in the same directory as the addon
On 10/03/09
Downloads 422
Votes 0
On 08/27/09
Downloads 1,287
Votes 0
by FordLawnmower
This is an alias that is missing from mIRC for some reason. $utf8(N) will return the utf8 character that corresponds to the number (N).
I also added two examples (flip & octatext) and the alias H2U.
Flip will turn your text upside-down and octatext will print your text in little octagons.
The alias H2U just converts the (N) in $h2u(N) from hexadecimal to base10 before calling $utf8(N).
H2U will convert the hexadecimal number to the corresponding utf8 character.
On 08/18/09
Downloads 719
Votes 1
by unclerami
mIRC SQLite is an implementation of the SQLite library for mIRC. It requires mIRC version 6.2 or higher. It offers a flexible and easy-to-use API (Application Programming Interface...
On 08/11/09
Downloads 1,238
Votes 0
On 08/04/09
Downloads 503
Votes 0
by d33j4y�
This is an MSN emoticons dialog for mIRC scripts that can be used with most MSN OCX based webchats such as Sparkpea, CCN, Phreik and others! Gives users a display of MSN emoticons ...