
Category: mIRC Addons

mIRC Addons Subcategories


On 09/26/08 Downloads 3,681 Votes 0 Rating
by HM2K
No more moo.dll just like the author suggests. This snippet must be used with mIRC versions at least 6.16 or it will not work as it makes use of the $com function.
On 09/15/08 Downloads 1,217 Votes 0 Rating
by Scakk
This dialog allows you turn on/off your groups ( #group ) as you need via the dialog. If you turn one off a second dialog appears allowing you turn off the variables/timers associa...
On 09/15/08 Downloads 1,112 Votes 0 Rating
by EL
Copy the code below and open remotes alt +r paste an save.Got bored to day and just made this little auto lag checker ,yeah its been done before but made it a lil my way;p.Nothing t...
On 09/14/08 Downloads 866 Votes 0 Rating
by Akishoot
How to use: Right-click on a channel or status window, or go to your menubar and select "Backup Scripts". This is a fairly simple script, and its been made probably a hundred ti...
On 08/28/08 Downloads 854 Votes 0 Rating
by da^hype
Generates a neat little summary of your loaded alias and remote files. Sample: ======= Remote(s) ======= Total Remotes = 6 file(s) Total Line(s) = 2928 line(s) Total Size =...
On 08/14/08 Downloads 930 Votes 0 Rating
by Scakk
With this dialog you can hide ( or show if hidden ) Channels , @Windows and Query windows. You can hide/show one at a time or all at once. Edit 13Aug08: It will now join you to ...

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