Category: mIRC Addons
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On 10/03/09
Downloads 422
Votes 0
On 06/25/08
Downloads 418
Votes 0
by Flobse
; --------------------------------------
; Note's - by Flobse
; This is a small Note Addon with Popup-funktions.
; Simple but usefull.
; The /timer for popup will start after di...
On 08/24/10
Downloads 415
Votes 0
On 05/16/08
Downloads 384
Votes 0
by Kurdish_Assass1n
Create a quick remote using this addon, remote events include the following:
On Action Event
On Appactive Event
On Ban Event
On Ch...
On 05/16/10
Downloads 368
Votes 0
by Turtizzle
This addon allows scripters to turn their listboxes into (very simple) treeviews-remakes.
There is no DLL needed, everything is done by pure mIRC-Scripting.
For further informati...
On 06/02/08
Downloads 332
Votes 0
by Riamus
A mirc addon that use socket to get definitions for words and send them to channel. Custom dialog to edit colors and control time of sends.